As explained before, mystery shopper is a challenging job. As a profession, mystery shopper has a specific qualification that means not everyone can do it right. This job is not suitable for them who’s just love shopping.

A great mystery shopper is the dutiful one. It means, the shopper fully understand the rule/direction, scenario, and the work schedule provided by the client, while also doing all of it during the mission. The more comply the shopper, the more capable them in making a significant professional report.

Furthermore, for those interested to be a mystery shopper, please noted these principal rules.

    1. Doing visit
      1. In order to observe the true nature of the performance from a customer service strategy standard, a shopper is suggested to conduct the visit during rush hour. The natural behavior of the employees would clearly be seen while they’re dealing with a hectic situation.
      2. The shopper’s appearance and behavior should be natural just like the ordinary customer. Be sure that you’re not drawing attention and looked more prominently than the other people around. Paying attention in overall aspect, from the way of dressing, communicating, even to your gesture. Avoid asking too detail to the employees, unless it’s ordered by the client.
      3. Don’t let your temper affect your work, especially when you facing the unwilling condition. Also, don’t let your mood determine your performance and disturb your job that day.
      4. Collect the itemized receipt instead of payment receipt. The itemized receipt contains the detail item and price per item you’ve bought. Keep this receipt in the safe place.
    2. Writing report
      1. Write your report as soon as possible, while the experience still fresh in your memory. The more you delay the report, the more fading the detail in observation. Although, it doesn’t mean that you have to directly write the report while you still on the mission, even at the obvious place where the employees can see your activity. If you want to write it right away, just move to the more private spot, such as the fitting room or the toilet.
      2. Write the report as detail as you can. Describe the experience clearly to explain the behavior. Example, write “the employee A was greeting me with a huge smile as I walk into the store. She shook my hand and directly asked what I need”, instead of “the employee A is really nice”. Avoid giving your opinion on the report to maintain objectivity.
      3. Attach the complete documentation as the evidence of your visit. The primary documentations pervade the photo of the store, receipt, brochure/name card/pamphlet. You also need to mention the name of the employee that interacted with you on the visit and what did they offer to you.
      4. Check the report thoroughly. Use the spell checker application to avoid the typing error. While writing the report, always refer to the correct grammar and other basic writing rules. Moreover, never use the caps lock because it feels not polite in general (unless it’s specified)

To be the expert mystery shopper, always rely on this rules while running your mission. Do your task well and have fun shopping!